How much money are you placing at risk by not insuring your ability to earn an income?

2017-4-27 Australian Unity Money Insights Not many people risk being uninsured when it comes to their car or home. But many choose to not insure their most valuable asset — that is, their ability to earn an income. This is despite the -fact that most people will earn a fortune between now and when they …

8 apps that make creating quotes and proposals faster (and more effective)

When a prospective client asks you for a quote, it’s a powerful opportunity to make a sale. In fact, with the right response you may be able to ‘seal the deal’ almost immediately. But if you take your time to respond, provide wildly different quotes for similar work, or otherwise send bad signals about your …

pensioners transitioning into retirement as changes to superannuation passed

Transition to retirement pensions – back to their true purpose

The changes to superannuation announced in the 2016 Federal Budget have been passed by Parliament. Amongst the changes was legislation which will remove tax concessions for transition to retirement pensions (TTRs) and bring them closer to their purpose of providing income to members as they transition to retirement. The new rules will remove the tax …

4 apps to stop late payments affecting your business’ cash flow

Debtors and late-payers—the bane of every business owner. No matter how profitable your business is, it won’t survive without good cash flow. If you can’t pay your bills on time, you may end up trading while insolvent. And that’s not just bad business—that’s illegal. But to do that, you need your clients to pay their …

Creating quotes and proposals FASTER: 5 reasons (and 8 apps) to automate your proposal process

When a prospective client asks you for a quote, it’s a powerful opportunity to make a sale. In fact, with the right response you may be able to ‘seal the deal’ almost immediately. But if you take your time to respond, provide wildly different quotes for similar work, or otherwise send bad signals about your …

How to take advantage of government grants and tax incentives

Thomas Edison once said that “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration”. Unfortunately, going from that inspirational idea to the finished product takes a lot more than hard work. Just like Edison, you also need to invest in a lot of research and development. And R&D doesn’t come cheap. Fortunately the Federal Government …

Why modern business means cloud-based business

“The cloud” is a phrase that means something very different these days, due to the increasing use of cloud computing. But what exactly is cloud computing? And is it a good option for small businesses? First, a quick definition. Without getting lost in ‘geekspeak’, cloud computing simply means both the software apps you use and …

Digital Signatures: 5 Good Reasons to Use Them in Your Business

“Signing on the dotted line.” It wasn’t all that long ago that phrase meant signing pen-on-paper. Increasingly these days it can also mean signing on-screen with a stylus—or even with your finger tip!—or by using your computer and keyboard. So why have many businesses moved to using electronic signatures? What are the advantages over using …

The fastest way to file your receipts: 4 killer apps to ease bookkeeping boredom

They say only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. For a lot of people, there’s also a third certainty in life: the pain of keeping track of every receipt when it’s time to do the taxes. How many times has your bookkeeper or finance manager asked you for a receipt (that you …

How will the changes to Australia’s superannuation legislation in 2017 affect you?

Changes to Australian superannuation in 2017: How will it affect you?

On 27 September 2016, the Government released another round of draft legislation to implement changes to superannuation it first announced in the 2016 Federal Budget. With many of these changes due to take effect from 1 July 2017, now is a good time to think about: what impact these changes will have on your superannuation …